German language coaching


If you need to improve your German, I am here to help.

Who is my offer for?

Please see if you recognize yourself in one of these:

  • you are planning to move to a German-speaking country
  • you already are living and/or working in a German-speaking country
  • you need to pass a language exam (A1-C1, telc, Goethe etc) as a personal challenge, to get a residence permit, a passport or improve career chances, to finally get that job/promotion or come to study or work in Germany
  • you find it hard to connect and make German-speaking friends and you think German skills are a reason
  • you find it hard to stand your ground with German-speaking colleagues or clients
  • people keep switching to English when you try to initiate a conversation in German and it hurts
  • you want to better understand your boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse
  • you want to be finally accepted by your parents-in-law
  • you want to finally stop feeling that disconnected in the place you are now living in
    And then:
  • you have an A0-C1 level in German
  • you want to speak more fluently and with good grammar so that people do not scrunch up their face when they hear you
  • you want to improve writing skills for everyday life, work and business and finally switch to business communication in German.
  • you want to feel confident when speaking the language on the phone, with authorities, with neighbors, with your social circle.

If any one of the above is about you, I can help you. We have all been there and there are solutions that work.


Why me? I hold two MA degrees in German and Linguistics and I got my first teaching experience when I barely turned 18. I love teaching German because I learnt it from scratch to C2 (Goethe C2 Certificate with A grade) as a young adult. I explain words and grammar better than most native speakers in a way that makes sense fast. I have learnt 10 languages to fluency so I know what works and what does not.

I share my students tricks and secrets of the trade, tools that they can immediately apply to get better. And better. And better. Sky is the limit!

Try it out NOW and see for yourself.
Please read what my students say about my work.

Important: If twenty years with languages taught me anything, it is that language learning requires commitment and time and there are no shortcuts. I love achieving results in life and I want students who will succeed. If you are not ready to invest some time and effort outside of classes, I cannot help.
However, if you are motivated, ready to work and have a reason to succeed, I want to hear from you ASAP.

Contact me HERE to schedule a free trial 30 minute session to get to know each other and discuss your needs and plan of sessions that would work for you.